Alhajeri, M.; Soroush, M. Tuning Guidelines for Model-Predictive Control. I&EC Research 2020, accepted.
Mohammadi, Y.; Matsuura, T.; Jansen, J.C.; Esposito, E.; Fuoco, A.; Dumee, L.; Gallucci, F.; Drioli, E.; Soroush, M. Optimal Membrane-Process Design (OMPD): A Software Product for Optimal Design of Membrane Gas-Separation Processes. Computers & Chemical Engineering 2020, 106724, 10.1016/j.compchemeng.2020.106724.
Riazi, H.; Anayee, M.; Hantanasirisakul, K.; Arabi Shamsabadi, A.; Anasori, B.; Gogotsi, Y.; Soroush, M. Surface Functionalization of a MXene with an Aminosilane Agent. Advanced Materials Interfaces 2020, accepted.
Soroush, M.; Samandari Masooleh, L.; Seider, W.D.; Oktem, U.; Arbogast, J.E. Model-Predictive Safety Optimal Actions to Detect and Handle Process Operation Hazards. AIChE J. 2020, accepted.
Arabi Shamsabadi, A.; Pournaghshband Isfahani, A.; Khoshhal Salestan, S.; Rahimpour,A.; Ghalei, B.; Sivaniah, E.; Soroush, M. Pushing Rubbery Polymer Membranes to be Economic for CO$_2$ Separation: Embedment with Ti3C2Tx MXene Nanosheets. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2019, 10.1021/acsami.9b19960.
Laki, S., Arabi Shamsabadi, A.; Riazi, H.; Grady, M.C,; Rappe, A.M.; Soroush, M. Experimental and Mechanistic Modeling Study of Self-Initiated High-Temperature Polymerization of Ethyl Acrylate. I&EC Research 2019, DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.9b05050.
Mozafari, M.; Seyedpour, S.F.; Khoshhal Salestan, S.; Rahimpour, A.; Shamsabadi, A.A.; Dadashi Firouzjaei, M.; Rabbani Esfahani, M.; Tiraferri, A.; Mohsenian, H.; Sangermanob, M.; Soroush, M. Cu-BTC Surface Modification of Thin Chitosan Film Coated Polyethersulfone Membranes with Improved Antifouling Properties for Sustainable Removal of Manganese. J Mem Sci 2019, 588, 117200. DOI: 10.1016/j.memsci.2019.117200
Riazi, H.; Zhang, M.; Shamsabadi, A.A.; Grady, M.C.; Rappe, A.M.; Soroush, M. Method of Moments Applied to the Most-Likely High-Temperature Free-radical Polymerization Reactions. Processes 2019, 7(10), 656. DOI: 10.3390/pr7100656
Sadeghi, M.; Pournaghshband Isfahani, A.; Arabi Shamsabadi, A.; Favakeh, S.; Soroush, M. Improved Gas Transport Properties of Polyurethane-urea Membranes through Incorporating a Cadmium-based Metal Organic Framework. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2019, accepted.
Arabi Shamsabadi, A.; Seidi, F.; Nozari, M.; Soroush, M. A New Pentiptycene-Based Dianhydride and its High-Free-Volume Polymer for CO2 Removal. ChemSusChem 2018, 11(2), 472–482 (2018), DOI: 10.1002/cssc.201701491.
Arabi Shamsabadi, A.; Sharifian Gh., M.; Anasori, B.; Soroush, M. Antimicrobial Mode-of-Action of Colloidal Ti3C2Tx MXene Nanosheets. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2018, accepted.
Dadashi Firouzjaei, M.; Arabi Shamsabadi, A.; Aghapour Aktij, A; Seyedpour, S. F.; Sharifian Gh., M.; Rahimpour, A.; Rabbani Esfahani, M.; Ulbricht, M.; Soroush, M. Exploiting Synergetic Effects of Graphene Oxide and a Silver-based Metal-Organic Framework to Enhance Antifouling and Anti-biofouling Properties of Thin Film Nanocomposite Membranes. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2018, accepted, 10.1021/acsami.8b12714.
Dadashi Firouzjaei, M.; Arabi Shamsabadi, A.; Sharifian Gh., M.; Rahimpour, A.; Soroush, M. A Novel Nanocomposite with Superior Antibacterial Activity: a Silver-based Metal Organic Framework Embellished with Graphene Oxide. Adv Mater Interfaces 2018, in press.
Laki, S.; Arabi Shamsabadi, A.; Seidi, F.; Soroush, M. Sustainable Recovery of Silver from Deactivated Catalysts Using a Novel Process Combining Leaching and Emulsion Liquid Membrane Techniques. em>Ind. & Eng. Chemistry Research 2018, accepted.
Rahimpour, A.; Seyedpour, S. F.; Aghapour Aktij, S.; Dadashi Firouzjaei, M.; Zirehpour, A.; Arabi Shamsabadi, A.; Khoshhal Salestan, S.; Jabbari, M.; Soroush, S. Simultaneous Improvement of Antimicrobial, Antifouling, and Transport Properties of Forward Osmosis Membranes with Immobilized Highly-Compatible Polyrhodanine Nanoparticles. Environmental Science & Technology 2018, accepted.
Riazi, H.; Arabi Shamsabadi, A.; Corcoran, P.; Grady, M.C.; Rappe, A.M.; Soroush, M. On the Thermal Self-Initiation Reaction of n-Butyl Acrylate in Free-Radical Polymerization. Processes 2018, 6(1), 3; doi:10.3390/pr6010003.
Riazi, H.; Shamsabadi, A.A.; Grady, M.C.; Rappe, A.M.; Soroush, S. Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Self-Initiation Reaction of Methyl Acrylate in Free-Radical Polymerization. Ind. & Eng. Research Chemistry 2018, 57 (2), 532–539, DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.7b04648.
Saberi, S.; Arabi Shamsabadi, A.; Shahrooz, M.; Sadeghi, M.; Soroush, M. Improving Transport and Antifouling Properties of Poly(Vinyl Chloride) Hollow Fiber Ultrafiltration Membranes by Incorporating Silica Nanoparticles. ACS Omega 2018, accepted.
Sadeghi, M.; Arabi Shamsabadi, A.; Ronasi, A.; Pournaghshband Isfahani, A.; Dinari, M.; Soroush, M. Engineering the Dispersion of Nanoparticles in Polyurethane Membranes to Control Membrane Physical and Transport Properties. Chemical Engineering Science 2018, in press.
Sadeghi, M.; Talakesh, M.M.;. Arabi Shamsabadi, A.; Soroush, M. Novel Application of a Polyurethane Membrane for Efficient Separation of Hydrogen Sulfide from Binary and Ternary Gas Mixtures. ChemistrySelect 2018, in press.
Seyedpour, S.F., Rahimpour, A.; A. Shamsabadi, A.; Soroush, M. Improved Performance and Antifouling Properties of Thin-Film Composite Polyamide Membranes Modified with Nano-sized Bactericidal Graphene Quantum Dots for Forward Osmosis. Chem. Eng. Research and Design 2018, DOI: 10.1016/j.cherd.2018.09.041.
Smolin, Y.; Lau, K.K.S.; Soroush, M. First-Principles Modeling for Optimal Design, Operation, and Integration of Energy Conversion and Storage Systems. AIChE J. 2018, accepted.
Tavasoli, E.; Sadeghi, M.; Riazi, H.; Shamsabadi, A.; Soroush, M. Effects of Hexamethylenetetramine Dicyanamide Cadmium Nanoparticles on Gas Separation Properties of Polysulfone Membranes. Fibers and Polymers 2018, in press.
Arabi Shamsabadi, A.; Seidi, F.; Nozari, M.; Soroush, M. A New Pentiptycene-Based Dianhydride and Its High-Free-Volume Polymer for CO2 Removal. ChemSusChem. Accepted, doi:10.1002/cssc.201701491.
Arabi Shamsabadi, A.; Seidi, F.; Salehi, E.; Nozari, M.; Soroush, M. Efficient CO2-Removal Using Novel Mixed-Matrix Membranes with Modified TiO2 Nanoparticles. J. Mater Chem A 2017, in press.
Johnson, N.M.; Smolin, Y.Y.; Hagaman, D.; Soroush, M.; Lau, K.K.S.; Ji, H-F. Suitability of N-Propanoic Acid Spiropyrans and Spirooxazines for Use as Sensitizing Dyes in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells. J. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2017, 19, 2981-2989.
Mokhtari, S.; Rahimpour, A.; Arabi Shamsabadi, A.; Habibzadeh, S.; Soroush, M. Enhancing Performance and Surface Antifouling Properties of Polysulfone Ultrafiltration Membranes with Salicylate-Alumoxane Nanoparticles. Applied Surface Sci. 2017, 393, 93-102.
Riazi, H.; Arabi Shamsabadi, A.; Grady, M.; Rappe, A.; Soroush, M. Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Self-Initiation Reaction of Methyl Acrylate in Free-Radical Polymerization. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2017, accepted.
Smolin, Y.Y.; Janakiraman, S.; Soroush, M.; Lau, K.K.S. Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Dye Sensitized Solar Cells Integrated with Crosslinked Poly(vinylpyrrolidone) Polymer Electrolyte Using Initiated Chemical Vapor Deposition. Thin Solid Films 2017, 635, 9-16.
Smolin, Y.Y.; Lau, K.K.S.; Soroush, M. Influence of oCVD Polyaniline Film Chemistry in Carbon-Based Supercapacitors. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2017, 56 (21), 6221–6228.
Smolin, Y. Y.; Soroush, M.; Lau, K. K. S. Oxidative Chemical Vapor Deposition of Polyaniline Thin Films. Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2017, 8, 1266-1276.
Smolin, Y.Y.; Van Aken, K.L.; Boota, M.; Soroush, M.; Gogotsi, Y.; Lau, K.K.S. Engineering Ultrathin Polyaniline in Micro/Mesoporous Carbon Supercapacitor Electrodes Using Oxidative Chemical Vapor Deposition. Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2017, 4 (8), 1601201.
Zirehpour, A.; Rahimpour, A.; Arabi Shamsabadi, A.; Sharifian Gh., M.; Soroush, M. Mitigation of Thin Film Composite Membrane Biofouling via Immobilizing Nano-Sized Biocidal Reservoirs in the Membrane Active Layer. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2017, accepted for publication.
Arabi Shamsabadi, A.; Moghadam, N.; Corcoran, P.; Srinivasan, S.; Grady, M.C.; Rappe, A.R.; Soroush, M. Study of n-Butyl Acrylate Self-Initiation Reaction Experimentally and via Macroscopic Mechanistic Modeling. Processes 2016, 4(2), 15; doi:10.3390/pr4020015.
Kuba, A. G.; Smolin, Y.Y.; Soroush, M.; Lau, K.K.S. Synthesis and Integration of Poly(1-Vinylimidazole) Polymer Electrolyte in Dye Sensitized Solar Cells by Initiated Chemical Vapor Deposition. Chem. Eng. Sci. 2016, 154, 136-142.
Mohseni Ahooyi, T.; Arbogast, J.E.; Seider, W.D.; Oktem, U.G.; Soroush, M. Model-Predictive Safety System for Proactive Detection of Operation Hazards. AIChE J. 2016, 62, 2024-2042.
Moskowitz, I.H.; Seider, W.D.; Arbogast, J.E.; Oktem, U.G.; Soroush, M. Improved Predictions of Alarm and Safety System Performance Through Process and Operator Response-Time Modeling. AIChE J. 2016, 62, 3461-3472.
Nozari, M.; Jasinski, J.P.; Kaur, M.; Addison, A.W.; Arabi Shamsabadic, A.; Soroush, M. Crystal structure of 5,7,12,14-tetrahydro-5,14:7,12-bis([1,2]benzeno)pentacene-6,13-dione. Acta Crystal E 2016, 72(12), 1734-1738 ,
Nozari, M.; Kaur, M.; Jasinski, J.P.; Addison, A.W.; Shamsabadi, A.A.; Soroush, M. Crystal Structure of 5,7,12,14-tetrahydro-5,14:7,12-bis([1,2]benzeno)pentacene-6,13-diol. Research Communications 2016, IUCrData, TA-MN1627AR.cif1,
Arabi Shamsabadi, A.; Mosayyebi Behbahani, R.; Seidi, F.; Soroush, M. Physical Aging of Polyetherimide Membranes. J. of Natural Gas Sci. and Eng. 2015, 27(2), 651-660.
Janakiraman, S.; Farrell, S. L.; Hsieh, C.; et al. Kinetic analysis of the initiated chemical vapor deposition of poly(vinylpyrrolidone) and poly(4-vinylpyridine). Thin Solid Films 2015, 595, 244-250, Part B.
Johnson, N.; Smolin, Y.Y.; Shindler, C.; Hagamana, D.; Soroush, M.; Lau, K.K.S.; Ji, H.F. Photochromic Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells. AIMS Materials Sci. 2015, 2(4), 503-509.
Moghadam, N.; Liu, S.; Srinivasan, S.; Grady, M.C.; Rappe, A.M.; Soroush, M. Theoretical Study of Intermolecular Chain Transfer to Polymer Reactions of Alkyl Acrylates. Ind. & Engineering Chem. Research 2015, 54 (16), 4148-4165.
Mohseni Ahooyi, T.; Arbogast, J.E.; Soroush, M. An efficient copula-based method of identifying regression models of non-monotonic relationships in processing plants. Chem. Eng. Sci. 2015, 136, SI, 106-114.
Mohseni Ahooyi, T.; Arbogast, J.E.; Soroush, M. Applications of the Rolling Pin Method: I) an Efficient Alternative to Bayesian Network Modeling and Inference. Ind. & Eng. Chem. Research 2015, 54 (16), 4316-4325.
Mohseni Ahooyi, T.; Arbogast, J.E.; Soroush, M. Rebuttal to the 'Comment on "Rolling Pin Method: Efficient General Method of Joint Probability Modeling". Ind. & Eng. Chem. Research 2015, 54 (8), 2416-2417.
Mohseni Ahooyi, T.; Arbogast, J.E.; Soroush, M. Rolling Pin Method: an Efficient General Method of Joint Probability Modeling. Ind. & Eng. Chem. Research 2015, in press.
Moskowitz, I. H.; Seider, W. D.; Soroush, M.; et al. Chemical Process Simulation for Dynamic Risk Analysis: A Steam Methane Reformer Case Study. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2015, 54 (16), 4347-4359.
Shamsabadi, A. A.; Behbahani, R. M.; Seidi, Farzad; et al. Physical aging of polyetherimide membranes. J. Nat. Gas Sci. Eng. 2015, 27, 651-660.
Smolin, Y.Y.; Nejati, S.; Bavarian, M.; et al. Effects of polymer chemistry on polymer-electrolyte dye sensitized solar cell performance: A theoretical and experimental investigation. J. Power Sources 2015, 286, 590-590.
Smolin, Y. Y.; Nejati, S.; Bavarian, M.; Lee, D.; Lau, K. K. S.; Soroush, M. Effects of polymer chemistry on polymer-electrolyte dye sensitized solar cell performance: A theoretical and experimental investigation. J. Power Sources 2015, 274, 156-164.
Bavarian, M.; Nejati, S.; Lee, D.; Lau, K.K.S.; Soroush, M. Theoretical and Experimental Study of a Dye Sensitized Solar Cell. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2014, 53(13), 5234-5247.
Liu, S.; Srinivasan, S.; Grady, M.C.; Soroush, M.; Rappe, A.M. Backbiting and b-Scission Reactions in Free-Radical Polymerization of Methyl Acrylate. Int. J. Quantum Chem. 2014, 114(5), 345-360.
Liu, S.; Srinivasan, S.; Tao, J.; Grady, M.C.; Soroush, M.; Rappe, A.M. Modeling Spin-Forbidden Monomer Self-initiation Reactions in Free-Radical Polymerization of Acrylates and Methacrylates. J. Phys. Chem. A. 2014, 118(40), 9310-9318.
Moghadam, N.; Srinivasan, S.; Grady, M.C.; Rappe, A.M.; Soroush, M. Theoretical Study of Chain Transfer to Solvent Reactions of Alkyl Acrylates. J. Phys. Chem. A. 2014, 118 (29), 5474-5487.
Mohseni Ahooyi, T.; Arbogast, J.E.; Oktem, U.; Seider, W.D.; Soroush, M. Estimation of Complete Discrete Multivariate Probability Distributions with Application to Risk Assessment and Fault Detection. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2014, 53 (18), 7538-7547.
Mohseni Ahooyi, T.; Arbogast, J.E.; Oktem, U.; Seider, W.D.; Soroush, M. Maximum-likelihood Maximum-Entropy Estimation of Multivariate Probability Density Functions. AIChE J 2014, 60(3), 1013-1026.
Bavarian, M.; Kevrekidis, I.G.; Benziger, J.B.; Soroush, M. Modeling and Bifurcation Analysis of a Coionic Conducting Solid Oxide Fuel Cell. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2013, 52(9), 3165-3177.
Bavarian, M.; Najati, S.; Lee, D.; Lau, K.K.S.; Soroush, M. Theoretical and Experimental Study of a Dye Sensitized Solar Cell. Industrial & Eng. Chem. Research 2013 (accepted).
Hajimolana, S.; Hussain, M. A.; Soroush, M.; Wan Daud, W.M.A.; Chakrabarti, M.. Multilinear-Model Predictive Control of a Tubular Solid Oxide Fuel Cell System. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2013, 52(1), 430-441.
Liu, S.; Srinivasan, S.; Grady, M. C.; et al. Backbiting and beta-Scission Reactions in Free- Radical Polymerization of Methyl Acrylate. Int. J. Quantum Chem. 2014, 114(5), 345-360.
Liu, S.; Srinivasan, S.; Grady, M.C.; Soroush, M.; Rappe, A.M. Backbiting and b-Scission Reactions in Free-Radical Polymerization of Methyl Acrylate. Int. J. of Quantum Chemistry 2013 (accepted).
Mohseni Ahooyi, T.; Arbogast, J.E.; Oktem, U.; Seider, W.D.; Soroush, M. Maximum-likelihood Maximum-Entropy Estimation of Multivariate Probability Density Functions. AIChE Journal 2013 (accepted).
Moghadam, N.; Liu, S.; Srinivasan, S.; Grady, M.C.; Soroush, M.; Rappe, A.M. Computational Study of Chain Transfer to Monomer Reactions in High-Temperature Polymerization of Alkyl Acrylates. J. Phys. Chem. A 2013, 117, 2605-2618.
Oktem, U.G.; Seider, W.D.; Soroush, M.; Pariyani, A.. Improve Process Safety with Near-Miss Analysis. Chem. Eng. Prog. 2013, 109(5), 20-27.
Soroush, M.; Chmielewski, D. J. Process systems opportunities in power generation, storage and distribution. Comput. Chem. Eng. 2013, 5(5), 86-95.
Bavarian, M.; Soroush, M. Mathematical modeling and steady-state analysis of a proton-conducting solid oxide fuel cell. J. Process Control 2012, 22(8), 1521-1530.
Bavarian, M.; Soroush, M. Steady-state multiplicity in a solid oxide fuel cell: Practical considerations. Chem. Eng. Sci. 2012, 67(1), 2-14.
Hajimolana, S. A.; Hussain, M. A.; Soroush, M.; Wan Daud, W.M.A.; Chakrabarti, M.H. Modeling of a Tubular-SOFC: The Effect of the Thermal Radiation of Fuel Components and CO Participating in the Electrochemical Process. Fuel Cells 2012, 12(5), 761-772.
Liu, S.; Srinivasan, S.; Grady, M.C.; Soroush, M.; Rappe, A.M. Computational Study of Cyclohexanone-Monomer Co-initiation Mechanism in Thermal Homo-polymerization of Methyl Acrylate and Methyl Methacrylate. J. Phys. Chem. A 2012, 116(22), 5337-5348.
Pariyani, A.; Seider, W.D.; Oktem, U.G.; Soroush, M. Dynamic risk analysis using alarm databases to improve process safety and product quality: Part I: Data Compaction. AlChE J. 2012, 58(3), 812-825.
Pariyani, A.; Seider, W.D.; Oktem, U.G.; Soroush, M. Dynamic risk analysis using alarm databases to improve process safety and product quality: Part II: Bayesian Analysis. AlChE J. 2012, 58(3), 826-841.
Bavarian, M.; Soroush, M. Steady-state multiplicity in a solid oxide fuel cell: practical considerations. Chem. Eng. Sci. 2011, 67(1,SI), 2-14.
Hajimolana, S.A.; Hussain, M.A.; Daud, W.M.A.W.; Soroush, M.; Shamiri, A. Mathematical modeling of solid oxide fuel cells: A review. Renewable Sustainable Energy Rev. 2011, 15(4), 1893-1917.
Pariyani, A.; Seider, W.D.; Oktem, U.G.; Soroush, M. Dynamic risk analysis using alarm databases to improve process safety and product quality: Part I—Data compaction. AIChE J. Article first published online: 16 May 2011.
Pariyani, A.; Seider, W.D.; Oktem, U.G.; Soroush, M. Dynamic risk analysis using alarm databases to improve process safety and product quality: Part I—Bayesian analysis. AIChE J. Article first published online: 16 May 2011.
Srinivasan, S.; Lee, M.W.; Grady, M.C.; Soroush, M.; Rappe, A.M. Computational Evidence for Self-Initiation in Spontaneous High-Temperature Polymerization of Methyl Methacrylate. J. Phys. Chem. A 2011, 115(6), 1125-1132.
Bavarian, M.; Soroush, M.; Kevrikidis, I.B; Benziger, J.B. Mathematical Modeling, Steady-State and Dynamic Behavior, and Control of Fuel Cells: a Review. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2010, 49(17) 7922-7950.
Garriga, J.L.; Soroush, H.M.; Soroush, M. On the Effects of Tunable Parameters of Model Predictive Control on the Locations of Closed-Loop Eigenvalues. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2010, 49(17) 7951-7956.
Garriga, J.L.; Soroush, M. Model Predictive Control Tuning Methods: A Review. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2010, 49(8), 3505-3515.
Pariyani, A.; Seider, W.D.; Oktem, U.G.; Soroush, M. Incidents Investigation and Dynamic Analysis of Large Databases in Chemical Plants: An FCCU Case Study. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2010, 49(17) 8062-8079.
Soroush, M.; Weinberger, C.B. Two Core Chemical Engineering Courses on Process Modeling. Chem. Eng. Educ. 2010, 44(1), 65–72.
Srinivasan, S.; Kalfas, G.A.; Petkovska, V.I.; Bruni, C.; Grady, M.C.; Soroush, M. Experimental Study of Spontaneous Thermal Homo-Polymerization of Methyl and n-Butyl Acrylate. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2010, 118(4) 1898-1909.
Srinivasan, S.; Lee, M.W.; Grady, M.C.; Soroush, M.; Rappe, A.M. Self-Initiation Mechanism in Spontaneous Thermal Polymerization of Ethyl and n-Butyl Acrylate: A Theoretical Study. J. Phys. Chem. A. 2010, 114(30) 7975-7983.
Hajimolana, S. Ahmad; Soroush, Masoud. Dynamics and Control of a Tubular Solid-Oxide Fuel Cell. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2009, DOI: 10.1021/ie801555d.
Soroush, M; Grady, M.C. Free-radical polymerization at higher temperatures: Systems impacts of secondary reactions. Comput Chen Eng 2008, 32(9), 2155-2167.
Srinivasan, S.; Lee, M. W.; Grady, M. C.; Soroush, M.; Rappe, A. M. Computational Study of the Self-Initiation Mechanism in Thermal Polymerization of Methyl Acrylate. J. Phys. Chem. 2009, DOI: 10.1021/jp904036k.
Panjapornpon, C.; Soroush, M.; Seider, W.D. Differential-geometric model-based control (DGMBC): A software package for controller design. Comput Chem Eng 2008, 32(7), 1569-1588.
Rantow, F.S.; Soroush, M.; Grady, M.C. Reduced-order model for monitoring spectroscopic and chromatographic polymer properties. J Chemometr 2007, 21(12), 612-620.
Panjapornpon, C.; Soroush, M. On-line parameter estimation through dynamic inversion: A real-time study. Ind Eng Chem Res 2007, 46(8) 2503-2507.
Panjapornpon, C.; Soroush, M. Shortest-Prediction-Horizon Nonlinear Model Predictive Control with Guaranteed Asymptotic Stability. Int J Control 2007 80(10) 1533-1543.
Panjapornpon, C.; Fletcher, N.; Soroush, M. A Flexible Pilot-Scale Setup for Real-Time Studies in Process Systems Engineering. Chem. Eng. Education 2006, 40(1), 40-45.
Panjapornpon, C.; Soroush, M.; Seider, W. Model-based controller design for unstable, non-minimum-phase, non-linear processes. Ind Eng Chem Res 2006, 45, 2758-2768.
Quan, C.; Soroush, M.; Grady, M.; Hansen, J.; Simonsick, W. High temperature homo-polymerization of ethyl acrylate and n-butyl acrylate: Polymer characterization. Macromolecules 2005, 38(18), 7619–7628.
Meel, A.; Seider, W.; Soroush, M. A game theoretic approach to multi-objective process designs: Focus on inherent safety. AIChE J 2005, 52(1), 228-246.
Mehranbod, N.; Panjapornpon, C.; Soroush, M. A method of sensor fault detection and identification. J Process Contr 2005, 15(3), 321-339.
Mehranbod, N.; Soroush, M. Sensor detection and identification in transient processes via bayesian belief networks. J Process Control 2005 15(3) 321-339.
Rantow, F.; Soroush, M.; Grady, M. C.; Kalfas, G. Spontaneous polymerization and chain microstructure evolution in high-temperature solution polymerization of n-butyl acrylate. Polymer 2005, 47(4), 1423–1435.
Soroush, M.; Mehranbod, N.; Valluri, S. Nonlinear control of input-constrained processes. Computers & Chemical Engineering 2005, 30(1), 158–181.
Mehranbod, N.; Soroush, M. Sensor detection and identification in transient processes via bayesian belief networks. J Process Control 2004.
Soroush, M., and K.K.S. Lau (Eds.), “Dye Sensitized Solar Cell Mathematical Modelling, Optimization and Design,” Elsevier, ISBN: 978-0-12814-541-8 (2019).
Soroush, M. (Ed.), “Computational Quantum Chemistry,” Elsevier, ISBN: 978-0-12815-983-5 (2018).
Soroush, M. (editor). Polymer Reactor Modeling, Design and Monitoring, MDPI, Basel (2016).
Arabi Shamsabadi, A., H. Riazi, and M. Soroush, “Mixed-Matrix Membranes for CO2 Separation: Preparation, and Properties,” in Carbon Dioxide Separation/Capture by Using Membranes, A. Basile and E.P. Favvas (Eds.), Elsevier, in press (2018)
Lau, K.K., and M. Soroush, “Overview of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells,” in Dye Sensitized Solar Cells: Mathematical Modeling, and Materials Design and Optimization, M. Soroush and K.K. Lau (Eds.), Elsevier, 1st Edition, 1–49 (2019)
Soroush, M., and K.K. Lau, “Insights into Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells from Macroscopic-Level First-Principles Modeling,” in Dye Sensitized Solar Cells: Mathematical Modeling, and Materials Design and Optimization, M. Soroush and K.K. Lau (Eds.), Elsevier, 1st Edition, 83–119 (2019)
Arabi Shamsabadi, A., H. Riazi, and M. Soroush, “Mixed-Matrix Membranes for CO2 Separation: Membrane Preparation, Properties, and Separation Performance Evaluation,” in Current Trends and Future Developments on (Bio-) Membranes, A. Basile and E.P. Favvas (Eds.), Elsevier, 1st Edition, 103–153 (2018)
Soroush, M. and A.M. Rappe, “Theoretical Insights into Chain Transfer Reactions of Acrylates,” in Computational Quantum Chemistry: Insights into Polymerization Reactions, M. Soroush (Ed.), Elsevier, 1st Edition, 135–193 (2018)
Soroush, M., and M.C. Grady “Polymers, Polymerization Reactions, and Computational Quantum Chemistry,” in Computational Quantum Chemistry: Insights into Polymerization Reactions, M. Soroush (Ed.), Elsevier, 1st Edition, 1–16 (2018)
Srinivasan, S., A.M. Rappe, and M. Soroush, “Theoretical Insights into Thermal Self-Initiation Reactions of Acrylates,” in Computational Quantum Chemistry: Insights into Polymerization Reactions, M. Soroush (Ed.), Elsevier, 1st Edition, 99–134 (2018)
Seider, W.D., A. Pariyani, U. G. Oktem, I. Moskowitz, J.E. Arbogast, and M. Soroush, “Introduction to Dynamic Risk Analyses,” in Methods in Chemical Process Safety, Vol.1, F. Khan (Ed.), Elsevier, New York, NY, 201–254 (2017)
Arabi Shamsabadi, A.; Moghadam, N.; Corcoran, P.; Srinivasan, S.; Grady, M.C.; Rappe, A.M.; Soroush, M. Study of n-Butyl Acrylate Self-Initiation Reaction Experimentally and via Macroscopic Mechanistic Modeling. in Polymerization Reactor Modeling, Design and Monitoring, Ed. M. Soroush, MDPI, Basel (2016)
Ogunnaike, B., G. Francois, M. Soroush, and D. Bonvin, "Control of Polymerization Processes," Chapter 12 in The Control Handbook, 2nd Edition, Ed. William Levine, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL (2010).
Soroush, M., and P. Daoutidis, “Optimal Directionality and Windup Compensation in Input-Constrained Nonlinear Systems," in Actuator Saturation Control, V. Kapila and K. M. Grigoriadis (eds.), Control Engineering Series, Marcel Dekker, Inc., 227-244 (2002).
Doyle III, F. J., M. Soroush, and C. Cordeiro, “Control of Product Quality in Polymerization Processes," in Chemical Process Control-VI , J. B. Rawlings, B. A. Ogunnaike and J. W. Eaton (eds.), AIChE Symposium Series, 98(326), CACHE, 290-306 (2002).
Kanter, J. M., M. Soroush, and W. D. Seider, “Feedback Control of Stable, Non-minimum-phase, Nonlinear Processes," in Chemical Process Control-VI, J. B. Rawlings, B. A. Ogunnaike and J. W. Eaton (eds.), AIChE Symposium Series, 98(326), CACHE, 389-392 (2002).
Soroush, M., and H. M. Soroush, “Long-Prediction-Horizon Nonlinear Model Predictive Control," in Nonlinear Predictive Control: Theory and Practice, B. Kouvaritakis and M. Cannon (eds.), IEE Control Engineering Book Series, 61, 190-201 (2001).
Soroush, M., and K. Muske, “Analytical Model Predictive Control," in Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, F. Allgower and A. Zheng (eds.), Progress in Systems and Control Theory series, Vol. 26, Birkhauser-Verlag, Birkhauser Verlag, Basel, 163-179 (2000).
Soroush, M., “Directionality and Windup Compensation in Nonlinear Model-Based Control," in Nonlinear Model-Based Process Control, R. Berber and C. Kravaris (eds.), NATO ASI Series, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 173-208 (1998).
Nikravesh, M., M. Soroush, A. R. Kovscek, and T. W. Patzek, “Identification and Control of Industrial-Scale Processes via Neural Networks," in Chemical Process Control-V, J.C. Kantor, C.E. Garcia, and B. Carnahan (eds.), AIChE Symposium Series, 93(316), 284-287 (1997).
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Dr. Masoud Soroush |
Links:Chemical & Biological Engineering Dept. |